Industrial Services

Be it the collection and treatment of hazardous and non-hazardous waste, the cleaning service or equipment maintenance, industrial clients require efficient, accurate and professional services. Veolia is experienced in providing comprehensive outsourcing services which enable an enterprise to focus on developing its core business.

Veolia has a long-standing reputation in the field of health and safety. The Group has developed a systematical methodology to continuously help clients improve their operation and reduce the operating cost so as to achieve mutual gains.

Our added values

Enhancing client's efficiency: Helping clients to significantly shorten their shutdown time through our efficient service and technologies. Moreover, we help improve the service quality and lower the operational risks by using automation equipment.

Owning technically matured teams nationwide: It has its specially trained teams nationwide equipped with mobile outfit, who can meet the requirements of clients of projects in various areas, and it can provide comprehensive operations, management and reports.

Technological innovation: Veolia will cooperate with clients closely, aiming at enhancing efficiency and operational safety via its innovative technological solutions

Providing concrete and comprehensive services: All the business lines of Veolia cooperate well so as to provide clients with the comprehensive services in all fields, such as water utilities, waste management, energy management and industrial cleaning, which have strong competitiveness.

Our service industries include:

Oil and gas



Food and beverage


Pulp and paper




Other industries

Our service items:

自动化技术清洗, 涂层清除, 自动清洗技术, 除焦, 锅炉除渣

Hydroblasting & Ultra-High Pressure Cleaning

清罐, 苯等储罐, 储罐清洗

Tank Cleaning


Lagoon Management

Oily sludge, cuttings treatment, 炼油, 含油污泥, 危险废物
Waste management

Oil Sludge Treatment

Veolia, 威立雅, Veolia China, 中国, 威立雅中国, total waste, 废弃物整体
Waste management

In Situ Total Waste Management

Waste management

Veolia in China