"Iléo" - Lille’s dedicated new water service company - will be innovative in more than one respect. Not only will its governance associate users, elected officials and citizens, but the company will also benefit from Veolia's expertise in terms of smart water management.
The key is an integrated network and installation control centre that continuously monitors and controls the water.
The integrated network and installation management will employ:
- 1000 latest generation fixed sensors to locate leaks
- 30 probes to analyse the water quality 24/7
- 362 new meters installed along the 4,300 km of the network.
Among Veolia’s commitments is delivering a significant improvement in the performance of the network (79% to 85%), in particular achieved by means of a significant reduction in leakage (25%), which will ultimately mean 3 million m3 less water used. It will require the renewal of 250,000 meters and the replacement of 2,400 connections.
Veolia will also set up an incubator, the "MEL Innovation Accelerator", to encourage innovative start-up projects within the metropolis focusing on health, digital technology, transport, water and the environment.
Strong local roots and marked social involvement
Another programme to stimulate the local economy, "Iléo Local Development", will promote employment in the area by giving 80% of sub-contracting work to companies in the region.
In addition to high quality technical performance, and a strong commitment to the local area, Veolia will deploy a large number of made to measure services for all users: progressive pricing and eco-solidarity taking into account the income of the households served, the introduction of water cheques for the least well-off, and many reception points that promote information and discussion (two "water centres", two itinerant buses, five interactive terminals, and a partnership with 59 post offices to be close to customers).
With this contract Veolia demonstrates it is possible to combine technical and social innovation with a high quality water service for everyone.